These Fiestadas are a scratch version of an old high school lunch favorite. Thin homemade pizza crust spread with...
These Fiestadas are a scratch version of an old high school lunch favorite. Thin homemade pizza crust spread with...
In this spinach Parmesan acorn squash recipe, acorn squash is twice baked and filled with smoked paprika, spinach and...
This roasted garlic potato soup is deliciously simple! Smooth and creamy potato soup that is ready in no time!...
Today is the day that brown boxed packages are being delivered to doorsteps and those of you lovely people...
Pizza sliders are basically pizza in slider form. Soft rolls topped with a quick homemade sauce, pepperoni and mozzarella...
Rosemary, smoked sea salt fingerling potatoes roasted until crispy. Serve with roast chicken, steak and/or anything in between. A...
I am so unbelievably thrilled to share that this past Wednesday night was a success! A success both personally...
True story: I will be on QVC tonight! If you follow me on snapchat (laurie.mcnamara) then you now know...
White Chicken Enchilada Lasagna is like white chicken chili but in the form of enchilada lasagna. Cheesy and delicious,...
I have a thing for apple hand pies. Little portable personal pies that requires no forks and only your...
These pumpkin dark chocolate chip muffins are moist and delicious. A perfect fall flavor combination in a handy handheld...
If you would have told me nearly 6 years ago when I started Simply Scratch that I’d be cooking...