Baked Basil Chips
To make these delicious baked basil chips, all you need is fresh basil, olive oil, sea salt and an...
To make these delicious baked basil chips, all you need is fresh basil, olive oil, sea salt and an...
Baked Raspberry Oatmeal is such a glorious breakfast! Cinnamon vanilla oats studded with fresh raspberries drizzled with brown butter....
Cashew chicken stir-fry is easy and delicious! Spicy, vegetable loaded stir-fry and dinner is on the table in 30....
Got peppers? How about making your own homemade pickled banana peppers? I haven’t seen my counter tops in weeks....
This triple berry kefir smoothie is healthful and delicious. Strawberries, blueberries and blackberries blended until smooth with vanilla kefir...
Kale is tossed lightly in olive oil and baked until crispy. With the curry ketchup as a fun dip,...
Baked pita chips are the best. Homemade baked pita chips are even better. Like times a million. I once...
Look at the color of this kale hummus. I mean come the heck on?! It’s the most gorgeous shade of green...
So the story goes like this: I decided to make this super fantastic baked rice pilaf along with roasted...
In this summer vegetable breakfast skillet is all of summers finest vegetables sauteed and tossed in homemade enchilada sauce...
Three (delicious) words: Sriracha Steak Burgers. As you can see these aren’t your typical burgers. I thought a bun...
Grilled corn pico de gallo is all the things we love about pico but with grilled corn. Get your...