Savory Potato and Dill Waffles
These savory potato and dill waffles are insanely delicious! My favorite part? Topping the with a fried egg! I...
These savory potato and dill waffles are insanely delicious! My favorite part? Topping the with a fried egg! I...
In this Homemade Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup, shallots and cremini mushrooms sauté in butter and flour and mixed...
These bacon apricot and gorgonzola scones have a story. Like any really good recipe should. Around the corner from...
This baked mostaccioli is classically delicious and couldn’t be any easier to make. Pasta baked in a delicious tomato...
This Black Bean and Corn Soup was inspired by a local restaurant. This soup is filled with good wholesome...
These Cheesy Quinoa Bites are filled with peppers, jalapenos, garlic, cheese and quinoa for the perfect handheld bite. These...
This homemade rosemary sea salt focaccia is probably my favorite bread to date. Why? Three words (okay, so five):...
You GUYS! For your meatless Monday, I made you these quick and easy Lentil Sloppy Joes! I hope you...
Friday is now complete with delicious chocolate stout cupcakes. Man I love Fridays. After editing and writing this post...
In this Root Vegetable Skillet Hash; beets, parsnips, turnips and sweet potatoes are cooked with garlic and thyme for...
These pumpkin oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are chewy and full of pumpkin flavor. When fall begins, I usually celebrate...
This bacon pepper jack skillet mac-n-cheese has red pepper, jalapeno, pepper jack cheese and bacon! So much flavor and...