Mocha Java Milkshakes
In these simple mocha java milkshakes, coffee ice cream is mixed with cocoa, coffee, milk and a pinch of...
In these simple mocha java milkshakes, coffee ice cream is mixed with cocoa, coffee, milk and a pinch of...
White Chocolate Confetti Cookie Pie Recipe is simple and delicious! White chocolate chips and sprinkles studded in a delicious...
A fun take on a classic, these Open Faced Croque Monsieurs are simple and oh so very cheesy! Serve...
Bacon Jam is a sweet and savory spreadable jam consisting of coffee, bacon and onions. Spread it on warm...
Italian Meatball Sandwiches; delicious meatballs nestled in Italian bread, draped with fresh mozzarella and toasted to perfection. I told...
Brownie doughnuts are essentially brownies in doughnut form. They are then drenched in a fabulous peanut butter glaze! So...
onThese grilled tilapia fiesta foil packs are quick and easy. Tilapia and black beans, peppers and corn topped with...
Grilled Vegetable Panzanella is my twist on a classic summertime salad! Summers best vegetables are grilled and tossed with...
In this Caesar BLT Club Sandwich grilled turkey, bacon, lettuce and tomato and sandwiched in between Caesar dressing slathered...
In this vanilla lemonade, the vanilla rounds out the tartness of the lemon and is an amazing classy twist...
Double Chocolate Chip Bacon Cookies are a delicious sweet and savory treat. Chocolate cookie studded with chocolate chips and...
This Mediterranean sandwich is filled with seasoned grilled turkey, roasted red pepper, cucumber, artichokes and hummus and then toasted...