Spicy Roasted Red Pepper Hummus
In this spicy roasted red pepper hummus, freshly roasted peppers are blended with chickpeas, garlic, lemon, tahini and a...
In this spicy roasted red pepper hummus, freshly roasted peppers are blended with chickpeas, garlic, lemon, tahini and a...
This tropical fruit salsa has mango, papaya and kiwi drizzle with orange juice and tossed with fresh mint leaves....
I found this recipe by accident when I typed in the words “lemon snacks”, and low-n-behold on the second...
These ginger cashew lettuce wraps are full of flavor and nutritious goodness! Ground turkey, water chestnuts, ginger, carrot and...
I love these baked asparagus fries! Fresh asparagus is rolled in Parmesan cheese and baked until crispy. Dipping them...
This homemade Shirley Temple is made with homemade grenadine for a delicious colorful drink! My favorite childhood beverage complete...
These Mayan Chocolate Truffles are so simple to pull together. Creamy chocolate laced with coffee and vanilla with a...
A baked cake doughnut infused with chai tea, strong coffee and dipped in a coffee glaze. A warm and...
This beef satay and peanut sauce is one of my favorite recipes on my blog. We serve it over...
These garlic herb breadsticks are so flavorful! And are a perfect vessel to get all that left over pasta...
This bacon Gorgonzola guacamole is the guac that turned my husband into a guacamole LOVER! Salty bacon, creamy gorgonzola...
Everything you love about French dip sandwiches but made easy by using the slow cooker. Tuck melt in your...