Air Fryer Blackened Salmon
Air Fryer Blackened Salmon is simple and flavorful. Salmon filets are seasoned with a homemade blackened seasoning blend, misted...
Air Fryer Blackened Salmon is simple and flavorful. Salmon filets are seasoned with a homemade blackened seasoning blend, misted...
“With great risk comes a great reward.” – Thomas Jefferson A new year, another year in review! It’s hard...
Fresh Peach Salsa is refreshingly light and healthy. In this recipe, finely diced ripe peaches are tossed with tomato,...
This Pineapple Salsa Recipe is fresh, sweet and has spicy kick! Fresh pineapple is tossed with red onion, jalapeño,...
In this homemade Baja Seasoning Blend, smoked paprika and garlic powder plus six other spices bring a flavorful punch...
This Cinco de Mayo sip on a refreshing Mexican Michelada! A popular Mexican beverage primarily consisting of beer, lime...
Goodbye 2018 and hello 2019! This was literally the fastest year yet. I remember people telling me that as...
This crunchy Asian ramen salad is a beloved classic. Napa cabbage, carrots and green onions are mixed with crushed...
Another year has come gone in what only feels like a blink of an eye and once again, here...
This Mexican slaw is filled with fresh vegetables like peppers, carrots, jicama, jalapeno and cilantro and then tossed in...
An easy, homemade Cilantro Pesto of fresh cilantro, toasted almonds, cheese and garlic. Delicious tossed with shredded chicken and...