Lighter Chicken Enchiladas
In these Lighter Chicken Enchiladas cooked shredded chicken is mixed with a light chipotle sauce, stuffed into tortillas, topped...
In these Lighter Chicken Enchiladas cooked shredded chicken is mixed with a light chipotle sauce, stuffed into tortillas, topped...
Ditch the pre-made packets and make this super simple Homemade Taco Seasoning! Simply combine and add to 1 to...
Enjoy a delicious and festive breakfast this Cinco de Mayo with these delicious Breakfast Tacos! Warm and toasty flour...
These Fat Free “Refried” Beans are healthy, flavorful and super easy to prepare! You only need a can of...
This Mexican Street Corn Salsa is a deconstructed version or off-the-cob version of elotes, this is also known as...
These Air Fryer Avocado Fries are addictively delicious! Avocado wedges are dredge and coated in seasoned panko before being...
A simple Homemade Southwest Ranch that’s perfect as a dressing or dip! Eight ingredients like; mayonnaise, sriracha, adobo, ranch...
Buffalo Cilantro Lime Shrimp Tacos are easy and loaded with flavor. Air-fried chipotle southwest seasoned shrimp are tucked into...
This creamy Cilantro Lime Avocado Dressing is simple, fresh and flavorful. Ripe avocados are blended with greek yogurt, cilantro,...
There’s lots of flavor in these Thai Cashew Chicken Lettuce Wraps! Tender pieces of chicken are cooked with lemongrass,...
Strawberry Goat Cheese Spring Salad is a light and fresh salad. Spring greens topped with juicy strawberries, crumbled goat...
Avocado Egg Salad is incredibly delicious and a great way to use up hard boiled eggs! In this recipe,...