Air Fryer French Toast Bagels
Air Fryer French Toast Bagels are sweet, savory and a delicious, high protein breakfast option. The dough is made with...
Air Fryer French Toast Bagels are sweet, savory and a delicious, high protein breakfast option. The dough is made with...
In this super simple Spicy Peanut Noodles recipe, tender broccoli, carrots, peppers and onions are tossed with chicken and...
This Blood Orange Pistachio Salad is a stunning and flavorful salad! Blood oranges add a bright citrus note that...
Salted Snickers Stuffed Dates are a better for you version of the classic candy bar. Dates are filled with...
Air Fryer Chicken Shawarma is so easy and delicious! Chicken thighs are quickly dry brined and seasoned, with a...
Craving crispy Baked Sweet Potato Fries? You’ve come to the right place! I’m sharing a few of my tips...
Turmeric Rice is an aromatic and flavorful Middle Eastern and Indian rice dish. In this recipe, basmati rice cooks...
This 3-ingredient Pesto Garlic Bread couldn’t be any easier! A demi baguette is halved, slathered with pesto and baked...
In this one-pot Tortellini Pasta alla Vodka Soup, cheese filled tortellinis swim in a lusciously creamy and spicy parmesan...
This Chicken Caprese Panini is so easy and flavorful! In this pressed sandwich, moist and tender slices of seasoned...
Add extra protein in the morning with this recipe for Scrambled Eggs with Cottage Cheese! Light and fluffy eggs...
In this homemade Spicy Breakfast Sausage Gravy, a made-from-scratch pork sausage is cooked and turned into a creamy, decadent...