Champagne Floats
Celebrate the New Year with these Champagne Floats! Vanilla ice meets bubbly in a fun and delicious cocktail. Serves...
Celebrate the New Year with these Champagne Floats! Vanilla ice meets bubbly in a fun and delicious cocktail. Serves...
Looking for an easy appetizer? These Chardonnay Italian Sausage Bites are it! Italian sausage are cut into bite-size pieces,...
This year leave some Naughty Coal Cookies out for Santa! Deep, dark chocolate cookies studded with bittersweet chocolate look...
A stack of Eggnog Pancakes make for a festive holiday breakfast! Light and fluffy, these decadent pancakes are sweetened...
This Cranberry Orange Banana Bread recipe yields an incredibly moist and flavorful banana bread scented with orange, warm earthy...
This holiday season, step up your side dish game by making these Cheesy Gruyere Potatoes! Yukon gold potatoes are...
Wow your guests with this impressive Black Pepper Crusted Beef Tenderloin! Easy and delicious and served with a zippy...
Skip the long lines at your coffee shop and make a Caramel Brûlée Latte at home! A double shot...
You are going to love this Caramel Brûlée Sauce! This sauce is made by cooking the sugar until melted...
This Pear and Prosciutto Arugula Salad is so simple and yet incredibly elegant. Sliced pears and torn prosciutto sit...
This Smoked Salmon Bagel Sandwich is a new lunch staple in our home. Thinly sliced smoked salmon, tomato, cucumber,...
In this gorgeous Fall Harvest Salad, crisp apples, pears, sliced carrots, toasted pecans and blue cheese are tossed with...