Air Fryer Cinnamon Raisin Bagels
Air Fryer Cinnamon Raisin Bagel are lighter than traditional bagels. Made with a simple cinnamon and vanilla greek yogurt...
Air Fryer Cinnamon Raisin Bagel are lighter than traditional bagels. Made with a simple cinnamon and vanilla greek yogurt...
Air Fryer Zucchini Fries are not only crispy and addictive but healthy too! Zucchini sticks are tossed in egg...
Air Fryer Lemon Pepper Chicken Tenders are simple and flavorful. Chicken tenders breaded and air fried and served with...
Easy Air Fryer Everything Bagels are made with greek yogurt (no yeast!) so they’re healthy without sacrificing any flavor....
Forget deep-frying, these Air Fryer Cheesecake Chimichangas are the ultimate dessert! Soft flour tortillas are filled with strawberry or...
What if I told you that you could have your doughnut and eat it too! That’s right my friends,...
In this Crispy Air Fryer Tofu with Peanut Sauce recipe, tofu and shiitake mushrooms are air fried until crisp,...
Crispy and delicious, these Air Fryer Beer Battered Onion Rings are simple to whip up for when you’re feeling...
Crispy Air Fryer Mozzarella Cheese Sticks are ridiculously delicious and better for you than deep fried! String cheese dipped...
Air Fryer Buffalo Cauliflower Bites are a delicious vegetarian snack! Cauliflower florets are quickly air fried and tossed in...
Crispy baked onion petals dipped in a super easy and delicious fry sauce. Whether it’s an appetizer or snack...
Crispy Pork Dragon Noodles is a spicy noodle dish consisting of crispy ground pork, roasted broccolini and toasted cashews...