Homemade Basil Pesto
Making homemade basil pesto couldn’t be any easier! Fresh basil, garlic, lemon zest, toasted pine nuts and parmesan cheese...
Making homemade basil pesto couldn’t be any easier! Fresh basil, garlic, lemon zest, toasted pine nuts and parmesan cheese...
This homemade Olive Oil Zucchini Bread is super moist and delicious! Fresh zucchini is mixed in a simple batter...
This Everyday Greek Salad consists of chopped tender baby lettuces, sliced cucumber, red onion, cherry tomato halves, sweet pickled...
Your Basic Grilled Chicken Marinade is a staple, must have and must make recipe. Chicken breasts are tossed in...
In my Grandma’s Greek Dressing Recipe you’ll find simple ingredients like fresh garlic and lemon juice combined with dried...
Ranch Water is a light and refreshing adult beverage that’s perfect when enjoyed on a hot summer day! This...
These Summer Shrimp Tacos are the perfect light meal on a hot day. Warm corn tortillas are filled with...
Fresh Peach Salsa is refreshingly light and healthy. In this recipe, finely diced ripe peaches are tossed with tomato,...
In this. recipe for Grilled Baby Bok Choy recipe, fresh baby bok choy gets grilled and drizzled with a...
For get take-out and make this Lighter Sesame Chicken stir-fry! Chicken is coated in a light batter, pan-fried instead...
This Brown Butter Peach Cobbler is a great way to use up ripe peaches! A super simple dessert consisting...
Grilled Romaine Salad is this summers go-to for an easy and delicious side. Romaine lettuce is grilled and topped...