Classic Beef Patty Melt
This Classic Beef Patty Melt consists of thin ground beef patty topped with caramelized onions and sandwich between melty...
This Classic Beef Patty Melt consists of thin ground beef patty topped with caramelized onions and sandwich between melty...
Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew Coffee is the perfect end of summer, beginning of fall beverage! Cold brew coffee topped...
There’s nothing like the smell of bread baking! And this No-Knead Cranberry Walnut Bread is one of my favorites....
Black Pepper Chicken Stir-Fry is a simple, sweet and peppery dish. Loaded with tender pieces of chicken, vegetables and...
This 15-Minute Garlic Bread is easy and so much better than store bought. With just a handful of ingredients...
If you’re looking for a simple yet flavorful dinner, this Skillet Beefaroni is easy and delicious. And BONUS it’s...
Smoked Chile Con Queso is a simple dip loaded with a ton of flavor! Toss cooked ground beef with...
No-Churn Heavenly Hash Ice Cream is chocolatey, nutty and absolutely incredible! A rich and chocolatey ice cream studded with...
Grilled Turkey Pesto Sandwich is your new favorite sandwich! Sliced grilled turkey, homemade pesto, tomato and fresh mozzarella sandwiched...
Looking for Easy Weeknight Dinners? In this post I’ve gathered over 25 simple, flavorful and deliciously satisfying dinner recipes...
Grilled breakfast burritos are loaded with kinds of breakfast goodies. A soft flour tortilla filled with scrambled eggs, cheese,...
Greek Lemon Rice Pilaf is a flavorful pasta and rice side dish. Toasted orzo and rice cook with garlic...