One Pan Lemony Orecchiette with Sausage and Broccolini
This One Pan Lemony Orecchiette with Sausage and Broccolini is a simple and quick pasta dish that also happens...
This One Pan Lemony Orecchiette with Sausage and Broccolini is a simple and quick pasta dish that also happens...
Homemade Italian Turkey Sausage that is lean and healthy! All the flavors of traditional turkey sausage with a fraction...
Meal prep on the weekend and enjoy an Asian Cashew Chicken Mason Jar Salad for lunch throughout the week....
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can,...
Everything Plus the Bagel Chex Mix! There’s no skimping on the bagels in this simple and flavor snack mix....
Nothing beats a Classic Gin and Tonic. Crisp, refreshing with a hint of lime. Add a few sprigs of...
Warm your soul with a bowl of Leftover Prime Rib and Barley Soup! Tender vegetables, barley and prime rib...
This Winter Farro Salad is wholesome and delicious. Cooked farro is tossed with green apple, dried cranberries, baby arugula...
Parmesan Garlic Corn Au Gratin is essentially sweet corn in a luscious parmesan garlic cream sauce. A simple side dish...
Simple and elegant, this Pomegranate Bourbon Glazed Ham is no doubt a show stopper. Ditch the glaze packet and...
Honey Baked Brie is one of the easiest appetizers to prepare. Double cream brie is topped with honey and...
Zuppa Toscana is a deliciously hearty soup of mainly potatoes, kale, sausage and cannelini beans. This one-pot gem is...