Ancient Grain Arugula Salad
In this copycat Panera Ancient Grain Arugula Salad, sliced grilled chicken, cooked grains, juicy red grapes and crisp apples...
In this copycat Panera Ancient Grain Arugula Salad, sliced grilled chicken, cooked grains, juicy red grapes and crisp apples...
Nutella Cheesecake Pumpkin Muffins are a great way to kick off your fall baking! Filled with a creamy Nutella...
Bonfire Cider is a cozy and refreshing fall cocktail. Apple cider spiked with cinnamon flavored whiskey and topped with...
This Cheesy Roasted Butternut Squash Rigatoni is the coziest (and cheesiest!) comfort food. Cooked rigatoni pasta is tossed in...
These Salted Brown Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookies have crispy golden brown edges and a soft chewy middle. Brown butter...
Homemade Autumn Squash Soup is inspired by Panera Bread. My homemade version of their squash soup has a blend...
It doesn’t get much easier than this Sheet Pan Beef and Broccoli! Thinly sliced beef and broccoli florets are...
These baked Apple Cider Doughnuts are tender, flavorful and addictive. These incredibly moist cake doughnuts have reduced apple cider...
These In-N-Out Animal Style Burger Fries are a way of enjoying my favorite items from In-N-Out but at home....
In this copycat In-N-Out Spread Recipe, common fridge and pantry ingredients are combined for a flavorful zippy spread for...
Margherita Pizza Toast is perfect for a quick and easy snack or meal. Toasted sourdough bread is topped with...
In this Sheet Pan Spinach Tomato Ricotta Pasta Frittata; beaten eggs are baked in a sheet pan with sautéed...