Easy Air Fryer Everything Bagels
Easy Air Fryer Everything Bagels are made with greek yogurt (no yeast!) so they’re healthy without sacrificing any flavor....
Easy Air Fryer Everything Bagels are made with greek yogurt (no yeast!) so they’re healthy without sacrificing any flavor....
An Irish Slammer is a classic bar drink. A shot glass of half Irish cream liqueur and Irish whisky...
Lucky Charms Cookies!!! A super soft vanilla cookie studded with lucky charms marshmallows and sprinkle of gold turbinado sugar,...
Leftovers are put to good use in this Corned Beef and Rye Panzanella! Day old rye bread is toasted...
Baileys Chocolate Pistachio Fudge is boozy chocolatey perfection! A velvety, Irish cream liqueur infused chocolate fudge studded with lightly...
This No-Knead Rye Bread is easy and delicious. Simply combine the ingredients the day before and let time do...
Forget deep-frying, these Air Fryer Cheesecake Chimichangas are the ultimate dessert! Soft flour tortillas are filled with strawberry or...
These Easy Beef Street Tacos are simple yet so flavorful. Finely minced skirt steak is cooked with onions and...
This healthy Vegetarian Black Bean Soup is bursting with flavor. Onions and peppers are sautéed with spices and blended...
What if I told you that you could have your doughnut and eat it too! That’s right my friends,...
This Tomato Spinach and Feta Crustless Quiche is light, healthy with LOTS of flavor! Sautéed onions and garlic are...
Liven up your breakfast with these Sun-dried Tomato Roasted Breakfast Potatoes! Baby yukon gold potatoes are quartered and roasted...