Vegan Chorizo Crumbles
In this healthy, Vegan Chorizo Crumbles recipe; protein-packed fava beans, mushrooms, walnuts are pulsed into crumbles with homemade chorizo...
In this healthy, Vegan Chorizo Crumbles recipe; protein-packed fava beans, mushrooms, walnuts are pulsed into crumbles with homemade chorizo...
These Salted Dark Chocolate Chunk Tahini Cookies have it all! Tahini gives these cookies delicious flavor and a buttery...
This beautiful Chicken Blueberry Feta Salad has fresh blueberries, pistachios and feta is topped with chicken and drizzled with...
Crispy Fried Chicken Fried Rice is exactly that. Leftover fried chicken and white rice is tossed together with stir-fried...
Season meat or veggies with the robust Chorizo Spice Blend. A plethora of herbs and spices, like ancho chile,...
Wanting to make The Best Homemade Chocolate Brownies? Look no further than these decadent frosted brownies. Simple ingredients and...
Freshness galore with this Cucumber Tomato Salad! Fresh Campari tomatoes, cucumber, red onion and garlic in a lemony dressing...
Lamb Kofta Open-Faced Pita Sandwiches are a delicious and flavorful lunch or dinner. Start by combining onion, parsley and...
Cheers to spring with a Whiskey Sour Sunrise! Whiskey, freshly squeeze lemon juice and homemade cherry simple syrup makes...
Breakfast is served and on the menu is this Lemon Ricotta Puff Pancake. Also known as a dutch baby,...
Two soups collide in this French Onion Chowder. Onions are slowly cooked until caramelized and tender, then combined with...
Putting leftovers to work in this Corned Beef and Cabbage Stromboli! Corned beef, cabbage and cooked potatoes are rolled...