Easy Enchilada Chicken and Rice Skillet
This Enchilada Chicken and Rice Skillet is one pan easy dinner! Leftover chicken (or rotisserie!) is tossed with sautéed...
This Enchilada Chicken and Rice Skillet is one pan easy dinner! Leftover chicken (or rotisserie!) is tossed with sautéed...
This Homemade Funfetti Cake is a delicious cake for all ages! Using my homemade confetti cake mix, it tastes...
Skip store-bought cake mix and make your own Homemade Funfetti Cake Mix yourself! Just a few ingredients is all...
In this Homemade Enchilada Seasoning Blend 12 different spices like chili and chipotle powder, Mexican oregano and cumin (to...
Grab your knife and fork for this Open-faced Breakfast BLAT! Sourdough English muffins slathered with a spicy mayo and...
Fruit Salsa with Baked Cinnamon Sugar Chips is simple and a snack both kids and adults will love! Fresh strawberries,...
Today (or Monday) my husband and I had to make the tough and heart wrenching decision to put our...
Tacos al Pastor is a dish brought by Lebanese immigrants and developed in Central Mexico. Based on shawarma, pork...
This Bacon Plum Grilled Flatbread is sweet and savory appetizer! Fresh plums, crispy bacon and creamy gouda tops my...
Taqueria Style Pickled Jalapeños are perfect for your nachos, tacos or fajitas and more! Onion and garlic are sautéed...
Gnocchi with Summer Vegetables is an easy summer meatless dinner! Gnocchi, cherry tomatoes, sweet corn, asparagus and zucchini is...
How fun are these Homemade Ice Cream Waffle Bowls? Simple pantry and fridge ingredients transform into a delicous edible...