15-Minute Garlic Bread
This 15-Minute Garlic Bread is easy and so much better than store bought. With just a handful of ingredients...
This 15-Minute Garlic Bread is easy and so much better than store bought. With just a handful of ingredients...
This gorgeous Melon Caprese can be served as a light appetizer or simple side salad next your favorite grilled...
Confetti Picnic Salad is a colorful wholesome salad of cooked whole grains, legumes, fresh veggies and kale in a...
Jump on this Tik Tok trend and make Air Fryer Pasta Chips! Cooked bowtie pasta is tossed with herbs,...
Pesto Fried Eggs are a breakfast game changer! Eggs are cooked in a simple homemade basil pesto, giving them...
This Sheet Pan Cashew Chicken is perfect for any night of the week. Peppers and onions roast first in...
Crispy Air Fryer Buffalo Chickpeas are so simple, healthy and make for a deliciously spicy and addictive snack. I...
In this homemade Baja Seasoning Blend, smoked paprika and garlic powder plus six other spices bring a flavorful punch...
Sun-dried Tomato Tuna Salad is bright with flavor, wholesome and delicious! Wild caught tuna is dressed up with sun-dried...
Walking Tacos (or Frito pie) are a fun way to enjoy tacos in a handheld package. Here are two...
Warm your soul with a bowl of Leftover Prime Rib and Barley Soup! Tender vegetables, barley and prime rib...
Honey Baked Brie is one of the easiest appetizers to prepare. Double cream brie is topped with honey and...