Sheet Pan BBQ Chicken Nachos
Inspired by one of my favorite pizzas, these Sheet Pan BBQ Chicken Nachos are unbelievably delicious. Tortilla chips are...
Inspired by one of my favorite pizzas, these Sheet Pan BBQ Chicken Nachos are unbelievably delicious. Tortilla chips are...
Grab and go with these delicious Make Ahead Yogurt Parfaits! Vanilla yogurt topped with fruit and homemade granola –...
This slow cooker maple brown sugar ham will be a hit at your Easter dinner. Ditched the pre-made packet...
In this Greek Chicken Couscous Bowl, fluffy wheat couscous is topped with Greek roasted chicken, feta shards, fresh tomatoes,...
In this glorious one-pan Cheesy Mexican Beef and Rice Skillet, onions and garlic cook with seasoned ground beef, rice...
In this Irish Cheddar Beer Soup, vegetables are sautéed in bacon fat and cooked in beer, broth and half...
Skillet Chicken Parmesan Meatballs are everything you love about chicken Parm but in meatball form. Loaded with flavor and...
Take your salad, veggie-loaded buddha bowl or even roasted veggie game up a notch with this easy, Creamy Cashew...
What’s golden and packed with flavor? This turmeric vegetable seasoning blend! This is great used for seasoning vegetables before roasting....
This Spicy Ginger Cashew Pork is the definition of easy! Thinly sliced pork loin is stir-fried until crispy and...
Say “I Love You” this Valentine’s Day with this luscious Dark Chocolate Espresso Pudding Cake! Ultra moist dark chocolate...
Want something to warm you up on these frigid winter nights? Let me introduce you to this Lamb Shawarma...