Salsa Verde Chicken Tortilla Casserole
This Salsa Verde Chicken Tortilla Casserole has layers of pan toasted corn tortillas, shredded poached chicken, Monterey Jack cheese...
This Salsa Verde Chicken Tortilla Casserole has layers of pan toasted corn tortillas, shredded poached chicken, Monterey Jack cheese...
Poaching chicken is a simple and healthy way to cook chicken. In this post, you’ll learn how to poach chicken...
You are going to love how delicious this Easy Salsa Verde recipe is! Fresh tomatillos, jalapeño, onion and garlic...
It’s officially baking season and first up is this warm and cozy Pumpkin Pudding Cake. The super-moist and deliciously...
This Loaded Wedge Salad is drizzled with a black pepper buttermilk dressing and topped with bacon, blue cheese, hardboiled...
This is The Best Roasted Broccoli Recipe EVER. Known to turn broccoli haters (i.e. kids) into broccoli lovers! The key? Plenty...
In this Baked Eggplant recipe, eggplant is halved, drizzled with a garlic butter and topped with grated pecorino and...
These Classic Snickerdoodles are the BEST! Snickerdoodles are tender butter cookies coated in cinnamon sugar. Known for their crisp,...
These Cheesy Beef and Bean Burrito Rice Bowls are inspired by my husbands favorite fast food restaurant only deconstructed into rice bowls...
Whether you have a child or children going back to school or you just want some easy dinner ideas,...
This beautiful Watermelon Feta Salad consists of lightly dressed power mix of greens topped with diced ruby-red watermelon, crumbled...
Aunt Penny’s Classic Potato Salad Recipe is essentially a simple mustard potato salad that has hard boiled eggs, onion...