Cinnamon Sugar
This is the best way to make homemade cinnamon sugar. Perfect for dusting buttered toast, encrusting french toast or...
This is the best way to make homemade cinnamon sugar. Perfect for dusting buttered toast, encrusting french toast or...
Your weekend needs this Cinnamon Sugar Crusted French Toast recipe! Slices of brioche dipped in egg and milk custard, dusted...
Truth be told, I do love a good veggie burger. Sautéed peppers, onions and garlic are mixed with spices,...
This Flank Steak with Romesco Sauce recipe is delicious! Homemade romesco topped grilled-to-perfection flank steak is definitely a family...
What a way to end the year… to say it has been crazy is an understatement. Last Saturday we...
These whole wheat chicken nuggets are baked in the oven until golden and crispy! Plus there’s a simple as...
Spiked coconut Eggnog is a creamy and dreamy eggnog. It takes all of 5 minutes to make! Spiked with...
This Creamy Chicken Lemon Rice Soup is quick, comforting and soup-er easy! Rice cooks with a combination of carrots,...
In this Glazed Salmon Winter Salad– salmon is nestled on leafy greens tossed and dried apricots, toasted walnuts, blue...
Try this chocolate pie crust with your next pumpkin or pecan pie! It’s so easy and chocolaty! I have...
Honey wheat cloverleaf dinner rolls are a delicious earthy twist on classic dinner rolls. They add a fun addition...
This vegetarian spaghetti squash lasagna is incredibly delicious! A pasta-less lasagna with layers of spaghetti squash and a hearty...